Club Shop & Classifieds
Welcome to the LSC Gift Shop and Member Classifieds! In the Gift Shop you’ll find Lowell Sportsmen’s Club merchandise, which is available for purchase at our monthly meetings, annual open house, and by special arrangement with Jim Martin, Warden. The Member Classifieds section is a forum for our members to list items they have for sale, and to post items they’d like to purchase. The members who use this forum are entirely responsible for these items and transactions.
LSC Gift Shop (5)
Member Classifieds (19)
Rules for Member Classifieds
- Buyers and sellers are responsible for all aspects of the item listing, transaction, payment details, and following all applicable laws
- These listings are not an auction: all items for sale must have a price
- If you are posting a “wanted to buy” ad, include “Wanted to buy:” in the title of the ad, following by what you’re looking for. Provide additional details in the ad description box.
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