2017 Shooter’s Challenge: Sat, Aug 12th!

Rescheduled to August 12th due to rain! Come test your skills in a variety of sporting activities to see who will get their name on the Shooter’s Challenge Cup this year!

This event is open to LSC members only, and the prize is a free year’s club membership, bragging rights as the top shooter in the club, and your name on the Illustrious Shooters Challenge Cup to prove it.

Date: August 5, 2017 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

July 4th Archery Challenge Winner!

Congratulations Declan! He won the 2017 Archery Challenge at the LSC booth at the Chelmsford Country Fair on July 4th. Declan visited the booth on the evening of July 3rd, and with his two shots earned himself 12 extra tickets. When all the tickets were mixed up for the drawing on July 4th, his ended up on top. Congratulations again Declan, and thanks for taking the Archery Challenge!

Thanks also to all the members to put the booth together and answered questions during the two days on the Common: Dale Maybury, John Wren, Laura Wren, Jay Dolan, Herb Cline, Darlene Parker, Jim Martin, and Brian Herzog.

A lot of people stopped by to find out what LSC was all about, and we passed out quite a few membership applications and really promoted the Open House on September 9th. The Archery Challenge was once again hugely popular, with kids and adults alike testing their skill almost non-stop. It was a great fundraiser for the club, and Thursday Night Archery may see a bump in attendance too!

Member Field Day and Club Photo: Jun 3, 2017, 12-4pm

Come out, enjoy your club, and make history at the Lowell Sportsmen’s Club’s Member’s Field Day! Be there at noon for the club photo, and then all ranges will be open, to test your skill or try something new! We’ll have a chicken barbecue for members and guests, and a club scavenger hunt for discounted food and a chance to win a free membership!

Spring Skeet League: May 18-Jul 27 – Extended into Aug!

The Spring Skeet League runs May 18 – July 27. Enter at any time, pay for games + one-time entry fee of $4 Members, $5 non-members. Shoot a total of 8 games during any public Skeet session, and the winner will be the competitor with the highest overall score.

May 2017 Work Party

Thank you to everyone who helped out at the May work party. The focus was on the trap and skeet fields, and we got a lot of work done.

We couldn’t paint the houses due to the weather, but crews raked wads and broken clays off the fields, installed a new patterning board on Trap Field #1, did a thorough Spring cleaning on the Skeet Shelter, and split fire wood for winter.

As a bonus, work on the access ramp to the Clubhouse was also started.

Thank you to the following volunteers:John Siljander, Herb Cline, Ken Kedaras, Brian Herzog, Jim Martin, Julian Sluskonis, Phil Sullivan, Charlie, Frank Cronin, Buzz Brody, and John Abbott for donating their time to improve the club!

The next work party will be in June – watch for the announcement and please help if you can.

New Shelter at the Outdoor .22 Range!

A new shelter was installed on the outdoor .22 range on May 1st, 2017. This started as a suggestion by a member, and although it took awhile, it’s a great new benefit for all members to use. Thanks to everyone who made this possible, and especially John Lemasurier for the granite retaining wall.

Stop by and check it out – and use the .22 range while you’re there! In the meantime, here’s a photo, with more photos on our Flickr page:

Flea Market & Pork BBQ – May 20, 2017

2016-05-FleaMarketPostFind something great at the Lowell Sportsmen’s Club Flea Market and Pork Barbecue!

  • Saturday, May 20th, 8am – 1pm

All types of merchandise available from many different vendors. Sporting goods, outdoor items, crafts, clothing, household items, and much more. Shopping starts promptly at 8am and ends at 1pm – come to shop, stay for lunch!

50 Swain Road, North Chelmsford, MA 01863. To reserve a table, leave a message for Brian at 978-692-2622 – tables are $20. The flea market will be inside the clubhouse if it rains.

Spring Work Parties: Apr. 8 and Apr. 15

Our first work party of the year will be on Saturday, April 8 from 8am-noon for a clean up of the pond and clubhouse to get ready for the two upcoming fishing events. We’ll accomplish as much as we can on the 8th, and then have a second work party on Saturday, April 15, to finish up.

Most tasks will be general yard work, with jobs for all ability and skill levels. the club has tools to use, but you’re welcome to bring rakes and shovels if you have them, and please wear gloves, work clothes, and boots. We’d appreciate the help of anyone who can to come.

Thank you to everyone who attended the April 8th work party! The volunteers were:

Jeff Kinny
Scott Kinny
Mark Walsh
Brian Herzog
David Gordon
Herb Cline
Stephen Kelley
Kevin Kelley
Gina Griffith
Joshua Griffith
Aidan Cutter
Buzz Brody
Sue Anganes
Alan Anganes
Meaghan DiPalma
Mark DiPalma
Elizabeth DiPalma
Darlene Parker
John Abbott
Ed Mezzanotti
Ken Kedaras
John Lemasurier
Jim Martin
Bill Potter’s tractor

All this year we’ll be doing a work party each month, in different areas of the club. For upcoming dates and projects, come to the monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of each month, or check the website. And if you see an area of the club that needs attention, please let an officer or committee chair know, or email the suggestion to info@lowellsc.org.

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