Trap & Skeet
Sunday 1pm, Wednesday 10am (weather permitting)
Doubles Trap
Occasionally – check calendar below for dates
Trap is open to members and non-members every week, early Spring through late Fall, weather permitting. Cost is $3.00 per round for singles ($4 for non-members), and $8.00 per round for doubles. Regular singles trap runs every Sunday and Wednesday, and doubles trap (a true doubles round of 50 clays) runs occasionally (check our event calendar for dates). Experienced shooters are always available for instruction or to offer tips on shooting, shotguns, or reloading.
The weekly public trap days are a great way to keep in practice for the Greater Lowell Trap League, or to talk to members about joining a trap team. It’s also a good time to try out different styles of shotguns if you’re considering a purchase.
Sundays 1 pm; Wednesdays 10 am; Thursdays 5:30 pm (Thursdays Spring-Fall only)
The skeet field runs year round – the chill of winter is kept at bay with a wood burning stove in the skeet house. Cost is $3.00 per round for members, and $4.00 per round for non-members (so join the club and save your money for more boxes of shells!).
Friendly and knowledgeable range officers and shooters are always available to answer questions and explain how the sport works. It’s as challenging as it is fun, so if you’ve never shot skeet before, give it a try.
The Skeet Committee usually runs competitions in the Spring and Fall. The format varies, but usually averages are established by shooting a minimum number of rounds during the “league” period, followed by a championship match. Check out the Special Events section for more information on the skeet league.
Upcoming Trap & Skeet Events