Contacts & Directions

Physical Address:
50 Swain Road
North Chelmsford, MA 01863


Mailing address:
PO Box 912
N. Chelmsford, MA 01863


Contact Forms

Board of Directors

Office Email Name Term Expires
President Brian Campbell 2025
Vice-President Al Anganes 2027
Treasurer Bob Therrien 2026
Membership Secretary Darlene Parker 2027
Recording Secretary Herb Cline 2025
Communications Secretary Brian Herzog (interim) 2026
Board Member #1 John Abbott 2025
Board Member #2 Dawn Bisinger 2026
Board Member #3 John Lemasurier 2027
Board Member #4 Joseph Kunze 2025
Board Member #5 John Koziol 2026
Associate Board Member Mark Cailler
Associate Board Member Bill Moseley
Warden 978-455-9694 Jim Martin


List of Committees

See our By-Laws for complete committee descriptions


Archery Committee


The goal of the Archery Committee is to promote the sport of archery at the Lowell Sportsmen’s Club. The committee hosts archery events, and maintains and improves the indoor and outdoor archery ranges. Updated 2023.

  • Jon Lyna, USA Archery Level 2 Instructor, Range Captain, Chair –
  • James Baustert, USA Archery Level 2 Instructor, Explore Archery and Bowhunting Instructor, Massachusetts Bowhunter Education Certificate, Co-chair
  • Matthew Franco, USA Archery Level 2 Instructor, Range Captain
  • Ray Anganes, Range Captain


Big Bore Project Committee

Manages the construction, development and maintenance of the Big Bore Range. Updated 2024.

  • Al Anganes, Chair –
  • John Lemasurier
  • John Abbott
  • Bill Moseley
  • Al Guerrera
  • Joe Kunze


Big Bore Range Committee

Manages the Big Bore Range, establishes range rules and monitors range use, cleans and repairs the range as needed, and runs big bore events. Updated 2023.


Black Powder Range Committee

If you love civil war era armament, this is the committee to be on! The committee hosts demonstrations and competitions at all of the LSC events including Spring Fling, Open House, and even their own event – the Turkey Shoot, which has inspired other committees to join in the fun. Updated 2023.


By-Law Committee

The committee will present any proposed bylaw changes, additions or adjustments to the Board of Directors. These proposals must be presented to the general membership in the manner prescribed. Refer to Article VIII for the Amendment process. The Club Bylaws is a “living document.” Updated 2023.


Campground Committee

This committee oversees all camping facilities on LSC property. The group maintains the campground rules, monitors use, coordinates upgrades as needed and provides cleanup and maintenance. This committee also runs events throughout the year. Updated 2024.


Communications Committee

Maintains the newsletter and website that is informative to the members and promotes the Club and its events through social media, email marketing, and printed posters and flyers. Updated 2023.


Events Committee

The Events Committee plans, promotes, and runs Club-wide events. The committee also coordinates with other committees to ensure successful events. Any member with an idea for an event can bring it to the Events Committee for review or request support in promoting or running their event. Updated 2023.

  • Sean St. Hilaire, Chair –
  • Darlene Parker
  • Herb Cline
  • John Siljander
  • Brian Herzog
  • Dawn Bisinger
  • Clive Nelson
  • Sarah Carty
  • George Carty


Facilities Committee

The purpose of the Facilities Committee is to ensure the upkeep of the Club’s buildings and equipment, subject to appropriation, and to establish the rules for their use. The chairman of the Facilities Committee will be the Warden. It shall be the responsibility of the Facilities Committee to:

  1. Periodically clean, inspect and maintain the ranges, yard, Clubhouse, parking area, Warden’s house, and all related equipment.
  2. Organize and lead work parties to carry out those maintenance tasks requiring large amounts of labor.
  3. Conduct an inventory each year.
  4. Coordinate the uses of Club facilities for non-related Club activities.

Updated 2023.


Finance and Audit Committee

The Finance and Audit Committee audits all of the Club financial records, reviews an annual inventory and audit of all fixed assets of the Club, prepares annual budget, make recommendations for any special assessments to be levied for the good of the Club. Updated 2023.


Forestry Committee

The Forestry Committee works with a licensed forester to monitor the health of the trees on the Lowell Sportsmen’s Club property, schedules timber harvests, keeps the Club aware of forestry activities. Updated 2023.


Grievance Action Committee

This committee acts as a Hearing Board for all grievances within the Club. It deals with all complaints, rule violations, and safety issues within the Club serious enough to require a hearing. Updated 2023.


Indoor Range Committee

This committee oversees the indoor range. The group maintains the range rules, monitors range use, coordinates range upgrades as needed and provides cleanup and maintenance. This committee also runs various rimfire and pistol events throughout the year, including the weekly Friday Night Fun Shoot. Updated 2023.


Kitchen Committee

This committee oversees the use of the indoor kitchen at the club; maintains stocking items in the kitchen; manages the preparation and serving of food at club meetings and events. Updated 2023.


Lead Stewardship Committee

The Lead Stewardship Committee is charged with ensuring the following objectives are met:

  1. Identify issues of potential environmental concern that may exist;
  2. Identify, evaluate and prioritize appropriate actions to manage environmental issues.
  3. Prevent offsite migration of lead through groundwater and surface water runoff;
  4. Conduct Lead recovery;
  5. Discourage ingestion of lead by wildlife;
  6. Reduce size of shot fall zones;
  7. Assist in improved range maintenance.

Updated 2023.


Membership Committee

This committee processes applications for membership; develop and/or recommend changes in application forms and processing procedures. Updated 2023.


Nominating and Elections Committee

The Nominating Committee selects and presents to the members, a slate of members chosen as candidates for the Board of Directors. Updated 2023.

  • OPEN, Chair
  • Paul Husted


Outdoor .22 Range Committee

This committee oversees the outdoor .22 range. The group maintains the range rules, monitors range use, coordinates range upgrades as needed and provides cleanup and maintenance. This committee also runs various rimfire events throughout the year, including the monthly Steel Sundays. Updated 2023.


Outdoor Pistol Range Committee

This committee oversees both the outdoor pistol range. The group maintains the range rules, monitors range use, coordinates range upgrades as needed and provides cleanup and maintenance. This committee also runs various pistol events throughout the year. Updated 2023.


Planning Committee

The Planning Committee drafts and prioritizes the Long Range Plan for the Club. The Long Range Plan is a living document detailing the actions that are required as the Club moves into the future. As changes in Club situations occur, the plan shall be updated accordingly. The scope of the Plan may address all aspects of Club operations (including but not limited to facilities, real estate, membership, management, assets, community interface, goals and objectives), to determine the best path forward for the Club over the next 5 years. Updated 2023.


Pond Committee

The Pond Committee manages the club’s fishing pond and pond rules; monitors the health of the pond and waterways on the property; schedules fish stocking; and coordinates fishing events. Updated 2023.


Range Safety Committee

The chairman of the Range Safety Committee is the Chief Range Safety Officer (CRSO) for the club. The CRSO and committee monitor range activities for compliance with safety rules, including but not limited to the Range SOP, Range Rules and NRA safety rules and recommending or implementing corrective actions as needed; maintain First Aid kits and other safety equipment; report safety violations to the BOD; identify and recommend improvements to enhance the safety of range operations; Review proposed new range operations and make safety recommendations; review and make recommendations of all new and modified range rules prior to submission to the Board of Directors; develop and/or implement Range SOPs as directed by the BOD. Updated 2023.


Skeet Committee

The goal of the Skeet Committee is to promote the sport of skeet shooting at the Lowell Sportmen’s Club by improving the skeet field and associated facilities; holding events and activities such as the skeet league, club championship and opening the field to the public three times a week. Updated 2023.

  • Clive Nelson, Chair –
  • Julian Sluskonis
  • Frank Cronin
  • Ralph Nardone
  • Phil Sullivan
  • Paul Lavallee


Training Committee

The Training Committee conducts regularly scheduled basic firearms training classes, works to continuously improve basic firearms training, identifies and present other training events that meet the needs and desires of the membership. Updated 2023.

  • Chris Weinbeck, Chair –
  • Brian Campbell
  • Sue Anganes
  • Jim Baustert
  • Dennis Brick
  • Rich Nardone
  • Ralph Nardone
  • Charlie O’Donnell
  • Bud Witt


Trap Committee

The trap committee oversees the operation and maintenance of the club’s four trap fields and related equipment. The committee chair also coordinates the trap teams participating in the Greater Lowell Trap League. The committee is responsible for opening the fields on a weekly basis to club members and the public, running the fields during club events, providing maintenance and upkeep of all fields and equipment, and monitoring the level of clays to notify the Treasurer when they need to be reordered. Updated 2023.

  • OPEN, Chair –
  • John Siljander
  • Laurie Pender
  • Dave Gordon
  • Brian Campbell