2018’s July 4th Archery Challenge Winner!
Congratulations Liam! The winner of the Archery Challenge at the 2018 LSC booth at the Chelmsford Country Fair on July 4th did so with just one raffle ticket!
Liam visited the booth on the evening of July 3rd, while his sister was performing with the baton-twirling group on the Common. This was one of the first time Liam ever tried shooting a bow, and although his two shots didn’t connect with the target for more tickets, he didn’t need them. Liam picked up his prize bow and arrow set at the Club’s open-to-the-public Thursday Night Archery, and received some instruction from the coaches on how to set up the bow, safety procedures, and proper archery form. Congratulations again Liam, and thanks for taking the Archery Challenge!
Thanks also to all the members to put the booth together and answered questions during the two days on the Common: John Wren, Herb Cline, Jim Martin, and Brian Herzog.
A lot of people stopped by to find out what LSC was all about, and we passed out quite a few membership applications and really promoted the Open House on September 8th. The Archery Challenge was once again hugely popular, with kids and adults alike testing their skill almost non-stop. It was a great fundraiser for the club, and Thursday Night Archery may see a bump in attendance too!
Thank you from Liam & from Bryan and I!!!
We really appreciate the time the coaches took to help him get set up and learn the safety procedures!! He is looking forward to coming back and hopes to bring some of his friends!