2018 Membership Renewals Going Out Now!
Members will be receiving their 2018 membership renewal notifications soon, either by email or a letter in the mail.
If you get these by email and don’t see it this week, please be sure to check your spam folder.
Also, if you have been getting the renewals by mail, please consider saving the club postage and printing costs and opting to receiving your renewals by email.
Again this year members have the ability to pay your membership dues online. The Club set up a Paypal account to facilitate online payments, and members are welcome to use this new method or send in a traditional check. Please note that there is a small processing fee with online payments to cover the Paypal charges.
If you have any questions about your membership, dues payments, or membership of the Lowell Sportsmen’s Club in general, please contact Membership Secretary Darlene Parker at membership@lowellsc.org or 978-479-0469.