Spring Work Parties: Apr. 8 and Apr. 15
Our first work party of the year will be on Saturday, April 8 from 8am-noon for a clean up of the pond and clubhouse to get ready for the two upcoming fishing events. We’ll accomplish as much as we can on the 8th, and then have a second work party on Saturday, April 15, to finish up.
Most tasks will be general yard work, with jobs for all ability and skill levels. the club has tools to use, but you’re welcome to bring rakes and shovels if you have them, and please wear gloves, work clothes, and boots. We’d appreciate the help of anyone who can to come.
Thank you to everyone who attended the April 8th work party! The volunteers were:
Jeff Kinny
Scott Kinny
Mark Walsh
Brian Herzog
David Gordon
Herb Cline
Stephen Kelley
Kevin Kelley
Gina Griffith
Joshua Griffith
Aidan Cutter
Buzz Brody
Sue Anganes
Alan Anganes
Meaghan DiPalma
Mark DiPalma
Elizabeth DiPalma
Darlene Parker
John Abbott
Ed Mezzanotti
Ken Kedaras
John Lemasurier
Jim Martin
Bill Potter’s tractor
All this year we’ll be doing a work party each month, in different areas of the club. For upcoming dates and projects, come to the monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of each month, or check the website. And if you see an area of the club that needs attention, please let an officer or committee chair know, or email the suggestion to info@lowellsc.org.